After my mother died, I longed for, and hunted to no avail, in search of something that she may have written that could give her children a miniscule glimpse of her inner most thoughts. I would have accepted this from any chapter in her life. Confirmed instead, is that - she enjoyed reading far above writing. Walls of books were to be divided among family members or given away, but just like she rarely ever mailed a card to us, (and when she did, she only signed it,) Mom seemed to keep no written record of her thoughts. No Bible study writings, no journal. Nothing.
I gave little thought to the written word for many years of my life. Actually that's not completely accurate. When I was younger, I kept a poetry journal - but it was in a purse that was stolen, and when that happened, it seemed to momentarily rob me of my creative writing ability. A few years later, I wrote again, this time songs. A relationship with an unnamed person in a band peaked my writing interest again. Sadly for me, one day he walked off with a spiral pad of paper (with lyrics tucked inside,) to band practice. He chose to amuse his fellow band mates when he came across my songs in what should have been my private notebook. He let me know this the next time we saw each other. Ego shattered, I dropped my pen, only using it for work purposes, or an occasional card in the mail - with not much more than a signature. I became like my mother.
I didn't realize what had happened immediately. Yes, when I thought back about those experiences, my bruises felt fresh, but I never gave a thought to the importance of writing my husband anything more than a quick grocery list, or signing cards for each of our children. I was known to scribble underline notations on sentiments that I liked, or draw I Love You signs - with an eye, heart, and sheep on cards given to my children. All through the childhood of our older 2, I do not believe that I wrote more than a few sentences on any occasion. With my mom alive, I had not yet thought deep enough about the power of the written word.
Mom's leaving us made my desire to get to know more about her increase. I longed to have something other than "stuff" to cling to as a reminder of who she was. At some point, I have no idea when, but it occurred to me that I too - would have nothing profound to leave my children if I didn't pick up a pen and write. Times change - the pen has became a keyboard. Alas... the blog began. I've left it many times - as life and other things got in the way. I've written on many topics that no one will ever care about, but hopefully, prayerfully, it will one day help my children "know" me better.
This morning, as I continued in the task of cleaning out my mega monster closet, (had I mentioned that yet?) I ran across a note on the back of a card sent to me by my Gramma over 25 years ago. One day she will be a blog focus, because she was absolutely an integral part of my life, but for today, I will just speak about her written word. It was the only note I believe that I ever received in the mail from her. It wasn't long, but she wrote beautifully - not only was her handwriting uniquely exquisite, (she used a fountain pen,) but she spoke in her note, with ease - just sharing about a few things going on in her life at that moment. With maybe 10 sentences on the back of a card, reading it again today, I learned more about my Gramma. Today I can say that I know who she was better--- not profoundly, but it was heartwarming to feel a connection to her once again. I am so very thankful for the time that Gramma took to share her words with me 25+ years later. It's a encouraging reminder to keep picking up my pen. It's true. The written word is powerful.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
It's Official... Sort of...
Alexis' 8th Grade Year is mapped out, and we are almost set to go. Her official First Day of School will begin on 8/22, which is the same day that Amanda starts her fall semester of college.
I expect it will be a crazy busy year, but prayerfully it should be a good one. I am thrilled that we decided together to use Sonlight Core 200 as the main focus of Alexis' academic year.
With much pondering and prayer, her year will look like this:
Bible - Sonlight Core 200
History - Sonlight Core 200
Weekly Current Events - God's World - Trek, On-line News, & Newspaper
Language Arts - Literature - Sonlight 200 & Homeschool Class
L/A - Writing - IEW through Homeschool Class
L/A - Spelling - Apples Daily Spelling Drills #2
L/A - Vocabulary - Sadlier Oxford & Sonlight Core 200
L/A - Reading Comp. - The History of Medicine
Math - PreAlgebra - Abeka and/or Chalk Dust (long story...)
Science - Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science
Art - Abeka Watercolor - Co-op Class - 1/2 credit
Public Speaking/Debate - Homeschool Class - 1/2 credit
Latin - Latin for Children, (we started this last year, but did not have success. We will try again, and may go with a virtual class if it doesn't work)
It is a comfort to have this puzzle mostly figured out. (Reminding myself here to stay flexible to the Lord's prompting.) My sweet girl's "Workboxes" are almost completely set up, minus a few needed school supplies. Now I must find space somewhere in my home for the miscellaneous books that we will not be using... I wonder if anyone around here would be observant enough to notice if I hung them from the ceiling???
I expect it will be a crazy busy year, but prayerfully it should be a good one. I am thrilled that we decided together to use Sonlight Core 200 as the main focus of Alexis' academic year.
With much pondering and prayer, her year will look like this:
Bible - Sonlight Core 200
History - Sonlight Core 200
Weekly Current Events - God's World - Trek, On-line News, & Newspaper
Language Arts - Literature - Sonlight 200 & Homeschool Class
L/A - Writing - IEW through Homeschool Class
L/A - Spelling - Apples Daily Spelling Drills #2
L/A - Vocabulary - Sadlier Oxford & Sonlight Core 200
L/A - Reading Comp. - The History of Medicine
Math - PreAlgebra - Abeka and/or Chalk Dust (long story...)
Science - Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science
Art - Abeka Watercolor - Co-op Class - 1/2 credit
Public Speaking/Debate - Homeschool Class - 1/2 credit
Latin - Latin for Children, (we started this last year, but did not have success. We will try again, and may go with a virtual class if it doesn't work)
It is a comfort to have this puzzle mostly figured out. (Reminding myself here to stay flexible to the Lord's prompting.) My sweet girl's "Workboxes" are almost completely set up, minus a few needed school supplies. Now I must find space somewhere in my home for the miscellaneous books that we will not be using... I wonder if anyone around here would be observant enough to notice if I hung them from the ceiling???
Monday, July 25, 2011
Admittedly, it's been painfully difficult to wrap my mind around the thought of my son David making the decision to take this prospective job. I have many valid reasons to be concerned. His health for one...
Truthfully, I didn't really want to go to church yesterday. As we were getting ready in the morning, my husband was complaining way more than usual about how difficult it is to get everybody up and out the door on time, (mainly me and our 2 adult children,) and I was in no mood to hear it. It was early morning, and I felt worn out already. I have been stressing about David's job possibility, and awoke in the middle of the night feeling completely uneasy over the situation. I spent hours praying and wrestling with the Lord over it.
Immediately after we sat down in the pew I noticed how empty this summer service was going to be and began feeling sorry for myself that we haven't yet, and may not, take a summer vacation. For the 2nd week in a row, our pastor and his family weren't there. I didn't want to be there either. At. All.
As I began to listen to the Bible verses being read on the topic that would be preached on, I sighed in my mind, wondering if the service would go into overtime. My mind was wanting to leave the building - even if my body couldn't. Our assistant pastor started his intro after the scripture reading by speaking about a camping journey that he and a friend had gone on many years ago. Knowing that there would be some similarities with this and David's job, my mind pulled back, and my ears began to open, as well as my heart. For the next 30-40 minutes I listened to God tell me why David should take this job. Ouch! I wanted to resist, but His rationale was so compelling, I cannot argue. He let me know that although He appreciates my concerns for my son, He most certainly knows what's best for him, and it's time for David to take a trip into the wilderness. He confirmed that His plans for David's time spent in the wilderness will be of benefit to him for the rest of his life. He made clear that David will grow and mature in his faith while performing his job, as he will have good reason to rely on Jesus while he is in the wilderness - literally, and figuratively.
My brain understands His will, my heart hurts to the point of tears though. I want so badly to rest in the Lord's decision. I wish I could say that my faith is so solid that I am at peace with His plans. However, if David chooses to accept this position, I will become a prayer warrior for his journey through the wilderness. I may be hesitant to accept this change, but I'm determined to remain faithful to my son, and to His Son - as I know that He too, went through the wilderness.
Truthfully, I didn't really want to go to church yesterday. As we were getting ready in the morning, my husband was complaining way more than usual about how difficult it is to get everybody up and out the door on time, (mainly me and our 2 adult children,) and I was in no mood to hear it. It was early morning, and I felt worn out already. I have been stressing about David's job possibility, and awoke in the middle of the night feeling completely uneasy over the situation. I spent hours praying and wrestling with the Lord over it.
Immediately after we sat down in the pew I noticed how empty this summer service was going to be and began feeling sorry for myself that we haven't yet, and may not, take a summer vacation. For the 2nd week in a row, our pastor and his family weren't there. I didn't want to be there either. At. All.
As I began to listen to the Bible verses being read on the topic that would be preached on, I sighed in my mind, wondering if the service would go into overtime. My mind was wanting to leave the building - even if my body couldn't. Our assistant pastor started his intro after the scripture reading by speaking about a camping journey that he and a friend had gone on many years ago. Knowing that there would be some similarities with this and David's job, my mind pulled back, and my ears began to open, as well as my heart. For the next 30-40 minutes I listened to God tell me why David should take this job. Ouch! I wanted to resist, but His rationale was so compelling, I cannot argue. He let me know that although He appreciates my concerns for my son, He most certainly knows what's best for him, and it's time for David to take a trip into the wilderness. He confirmed that His plans for David's time spent in the wilderness will be of benefit to him for the rest of his life. He made clear that David will grow and mature in his faith while performing his job, as he will have good reason to rely on Jesus while he is in the wilderness - literally, and figuratively.
My brain understands His will, my heart hurts to the point of tears though. I want so badly to rest in the Lord's decision. I wish I could say that my faith is so solid that I am at peace with His plans. However, if David chooses to accept this position, I will become a prayer warrior for his journey through the wilderness. I may be hesitant to accept this change, but I'm determined to remain faithful to my son, and to His Son - as I know that He too, went through the wilderness.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Changes a Coming...
Jeremiah 29:1 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Amanda will soon finish her summer college classes. New courses to think about... A career to contemplate. Will a major be declared this year? The Lord knows the answer. I CAN rest in this.
David will soon be making a huge decision about a job. A position that will be a 24/7 life changing experience for him. If he takes this job that has been offered to him, David will be stretched in ways as never before. Is this the right career choice for him? The Lord knows the answer. I CAN rest in this.
Alexis will soon begin her final year of middle school. In less than a month, she will take on the biggest work load yet - including 3 high school level courses. Is she prepared for this challenge? Will she be ready for the start of the final pre-college hurdles at the conclusion of this year? The Lord knows the answer. I CAN rest in this.
My prayer is that His plans will be their plans. That they will trust and follow, knowing without a doubt, the Lord determines all answers to every mystery in each of their lives - with an incredible and desirable promise. I pray that David, Amanda, and Alexis WILL rest in this.
Amanda will soon finish her summer college classes. New courses to think about... A career to contemplate. Will a major be declared this year? The Lord knows the answer. I CAN rest in this.
David will soon be making a huge decision about a job. A position that will be a 24/7 life changing experience for him. If he takes this job that has been offered to him, David will be stretched in ways as never before. Is this the right career choice for him? The Lord knows the answer. I CAN rest in this.
Alexis will soon begin her final year of middle school. In less than a month, she will take on the biggest work load yet - including 3 high school level courses. Is she prepared for this challenge? Will she be ready for the start of the final pre-college hurdles at the conclusion of this year? The Lord knows the answer. I CAN rest in this.
My prayer is that His plans will be their plans. That they will trust and follow, knowing without a doubt, the Lord determines all answers to every mystery in each of their lives - with an incredible and desirable promise. I pray that David, Amanda, and Alexis WILL rest in this.
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He has amazing plans for these lovable clowns! |
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Calm Birthday, Quiet Little Nest
With David and Alexis gone, it sure is quiet around here. I'm working on completing the Study Guide and Own Your Own question pages that I've written for the students of my Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science co-op class. I will post when they are complete.
Alexis woke up at 6:30 on Monday morning, fixed a birthday breakfast fit for a queen, and served it to me in bed. A bowl of sliced strawberries and bananas, a waffle, and sausage were carried to me on a platter! It was actually Alexis' lap desk, but hey- I felt loved!
I received a Nook holder and a few other gifts from my extraordinary family, before heading out the door with Alexis to take her to the church where she met the group being picked up for camp. She was nervous, but completely ecstatic to finally be off on her big trip. I've only received 1 message from her, so I have to assume all is well.
After I returned from drop-off and a quick trip to the grocery store, my sweet Amanda gave me a gift card to a restaurant. We have a lunch date scheduled for later this week! :-)
My brother, Charles, and sister-in-law, Leigh, arrived soon after - to continue my birthday celebration with the 2 David's and me. We ate, packed more food and some drinks, and left for a local spring to go canoeing. (Amanda couldn't go with us, as she had homework and tests to prepare for, along with 2 classes on Monday.) It was a hot day, but we were blessed with a breeze due to a storm out in the Atlantic. (Unless it's about to rain locally, this is the only way Central FL appears to receive breezy weather.) Leigh sat out on canoeing - I'm sorry to say. She's had lots of trouble with her hip, and did not feel like it would be a wise idea to attempt getting in and out of the boat. Charles and David (son) took one canoe, and David (husband) and I used another. We made our way from Wekiva Island to the State Park, and back again. It was probably only about a mile, but there was quite a crowd of boaters at the springs, so it took some time to maneuver around everybody. Again, I felt like a queen! My arm was aching due to an old injury, so David did 99.9 percent of the rowing. Every once in awhile I would use my oar to tap the side of someone's boat to prevent a collision. I think I "had" to row a couple of times, but my sweet husband tried to take good care of me and my arm.
After returning ?downriver? or at least downstream, about 2 hours later, we packed it up and headed home. (Talk about low key!) I suppose I am practicing for senior-hood. Funny, I am used to keeping up with lots of young moms, so this absolutely was extremely mild paced for me, but I had a wonderfully relaxing time!
For dinner we ate a delicious salad, shrimp and snow crab. No cake, but later in the evening I had hot fudge and ice cream. David did all the dishes while I swam in the pool - another reason to feel like a queen! So far, 50 has been good to me... Really, it's because of the family and friends that I am surrounded by. The Lord has blessed me well!
Alexis woke up at 6:30 on Monday morning, fixed a birthday breakfast fit for a queen, and served it to me in bed. A bowl of sliced strawberries and bananas, a waffle, and sausage were carried to me on a platter! It was actually Alexis' lap desk, but hey- I felt loved!
I received a Nook holder and a few other gifts from my extraordinary family, before heading out the door with Alexis to take her to the church where she met the group being picked up for camp. She was nervous, but completely ecstatic to finally be off on her big trip. I've only received 1 message from her, so I have to assume all is well.
After I returned from drop-off and a quick trip to the grocery store, my sweet Amanda gave me a gift card to a restaurant. We have a lunch date scheduled for later this week! :-)
My brother, Charles, and sister-in-law, Leigh, arrived soon after - to continue my birthday celebration with the 2 David's and me. We ate, packed more food and some drinks, and left for a local spring to go canoeing. (Amanda couldn't go with us, as she had homework and tests to prepare for, along with 2 classes on Monday.) It was a hot day, but we were blessed with a breeze due to a storm out in the Atlantic. (Unless it's about to rain locally, this is the only way Central FL appears to receive breezy weather.) Leigh sat out on canoeing - I'm sorry to say. She's had lots of trouble with her hip, and did not feel like it would be a wise idea to attempt getting in and out of the boat. Charles and David (son) took one canoe, and David (husband) and I used another. We made our way from Wekiva Island to the State Park, and back again. It was probably only about a mile, but there was quite a crowd of boaters at the springs, so it took some time to maneuver around everybody. Again, I felt like a queen! My arm was aching due to an old injury, so David did 99.9 percent of the rowing. Every once in awhile I would use my oar to tap the side of someone's boat to prevent a collision. I think I "had" to row a couple of times, but my sweet husband tried to take good care of me and my arm.
After returning ?downriver? or at least downstream, about 2 hours later, we packed it up and headed home. (Talk about low key!) I suppose I am practicing for senior-hood. Funny, I am used to keeping up with lots of young moms, so this absolutely was extremely mild paced for me, but I had a wonderfully relaxing time!
For dinner we ate a delicious salad, shrimp and snow crab. No cake, but later in the evening I had hot fudge and ice cream. David did all the dishes while I swam in the pool - another reason to feel like a queen! So far, 50 has been good to me... Really, it's because of the family and friends that I am surrounded by. The Lord has blessed me well!
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David getting in his canoe |
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On our trip downstream |
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David did double duty - He's so good to me! :-) |
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David and Charles getting ready to pass us |
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They passed us... |
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Homestretch with Leigh waiting for us! |
Saturday, July 16, 2011
A Weekly Digest
A continuation of organization took place this week, but it was not only David clearing the clutter. Alexis became inspired by his efforts, and as he continued on, she went through her "stuff" and placed about 1/2 of her bedroom in give away bags. Well, I do believe at this point their efforts became contagious, because I caught the declutter bug, and worked on going through some areas of the house that were a bit overloaded and needed tending to. No, I have not, as of yet, tackled my monster closet. That will be time and awe consuming.
My mother-in-law and I visited the new (to her) dentist. I am sending \0/ praises to Him that all went as well as possible. She was quite unhappy with the former dentist's hygienist due to painful cleanings, and made it known clearly to her family. I am hoping and praying that she will remain at least satisfied with them. I love that they explained everything directly to her. I've noticed that most doctors do not do this. They look at me, and talk to me about her - as if she were not there. Although her eyes and ears are failing her, my mother-in-law's mind remains quite sharp. She deserves the respect of being spoken to first hand.
Alexis is preparing to leave for camp. She is understandably excited. This will be the longest she'll have been away from her family, but if she has to leave us, what an incredible place to go. Church camp, full of praise and worship time, full of delightful outdoor entertainment, full of Christian bonding time with friends. I'll be sad to see her leave, but I am so looking forward to hearing about her adventures when she returns.
Friday, Alexis and I had lunch with some friends. It was really good to catch up with them. Alexis' sweet friend came home with us and spent the night. They had a great time swimming and being silly.
David will be leaving us in a few days too. He will travel up to the location of his prospective job for a 48 hour trial period. If he gets this job it will be completely challenging in a whole new way for David. He will not only be responsible for himself, he will be responsible for a group of boys. (Think instant parenthood on steroids.) He will have to keep not just a work day schedule, but a 24 hour routine with a group of teens who need structure, encouragement, focus, and direction. If David is hired by this organization, I believe that the Lord will stretch and grow him in ways that he, and we, never thought possible. I love watching the Lord unfold His plans on my children. I'm looking forward to seeing where He takes David this next chapter in his life. May it be a blessing for my son and to His glory~
Today is my sweet sister' birthday. I love her so very much. Mary Lynn is a tenderhearted woman who loves the Lord and seeks to grow and serve Him daily. Her gentle spirit is evident, always. She's artistic, and loves to keep her hands busy as often as she can with some sort of craft project. She adores her family, and is a loving and incredibly loyal wife, mother, sister, and employee. I am so thankful to have her to share conversations and memories with. We "get" each others soft spots and triggers, and pray for each others needs and hurts. I pray that I will encourage her as much or more than she has encouraged me. She is not only my sister, she is my dear, dear friend.
My mother-in-law and I visited the new (to her) dentist. I am sending \0/ praises to Him that all went as well as possible. She was quite unhappy with the former dentist's hygienist due to painful cleanings, and made it known clearly to her family. I am hoping and praying that she will remain at least satisfied with them. I love that they explained everything directly to her. I've noticed that most doctors do not do this. They look at me, and talk to me about her - as if she were not there. Although her eyes and ears are failing her, my mother-in-law's mind remains quite sharp. She deserves the respect of being spoken to first hand.
Alexis is preparing to leave for camp. She is understandably excited. This will be the longest she'll have been away from her family, but if she has to leave us, what an incredible place to go. Church camp, full of praise and worship time, full of delightful outdoor entertainment, full of Christian bonding time with friends. I'll be sad to see her leave, but I am so looking forward to hearing about her adventures when she returns.
Friday, Alexis and I had lunch with some friends. It was really good to catch up with them. Alexis' sweet friend came home with us and spent the night. They had a great time swimming and being silly.
David will be leaving us in a few days too. He will travel up to the location of his prospective job for a 48 hour trial period. If he gets this job it will be completely challenging in a whole new way for David. He will not only be responsible for himself, he will be responsible for a group of boys. (Think instant parenthood on steroids.) He will have to keep not just a work day schedule, but a 24 hour routine with a group of teens who need structure, encouragement, focus, and direction. If David is hired by this organization, I believe that the Lord will stretch and grow him in ways that he, and we, never thought possible. I love watching the Lord unfold His plans on my children. I'm looking forward to seeing where He takes David this next chapter in his life. May it be a blessing for my son and to His glory~
Today is my sweet sister' birthday. I love her so very much. Mary Lynn is a tenderhearted woman who loves the Lord and seeks to grow and serve Him daily. Her gentle spirit is evident, always. She's artistic, and loves to keep her hands busy as often as she can with some sort of craft project. She adores her family, and is a loving and incredibly loyal wife, mother, sister, and employee. I am so thankful to have her to share conversations and memories with. We "get" each others soft spots and triggers, and pray for each others needs and hurts. I pray that I will encourage her as much or more than she has encouraged me. She is not only my sister, she is my dear, dear friend.
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School pics of my brother Charles, my sister, MaryLynn and me - the baby... |
Friday, July 15, 2011
The Bigger Picture
Revelation 21:2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
Admittedly, sometimes I long to comprehend the bigger picture. His plans- God's plan for our family, for His people, for this world. As much as I would like to understand His will, I know that my sinful fallible nature makes me utterly incapable of grasping the depth, width, or reasoning of the Lord's predetermined sketch for our lives.
Admittedly, sometimes I long to comprehend the bigger picture. His plans- God's plan for our family, for His people, for this world. As much as I would like to understand His will, I know that my sinful fallible nature makes me utterly incapable of grasping the depth, width, or reasoning of the Lord's predetermined sketch for our lives.
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He sees the whole picture and knows what to make of it - even when we can't perceive an enticing appeal. |
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If we are not continuously seeking Who He is and His perspective, we may live out our lives here on earth without ever witnessing His abundant vision. |
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Sometimes, when He allows us to, we are able to catch a miniscule glimpse of the fullness He has in store for us. Let's not miss it! |
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Productive Week
It's that time of year! We are fabulously blessed to have a sweet friend who is willing to proctor Alexis' annual testing - so this took up the majority of her week.
She did some practice testing at our dining room table, and was none too happy over it, as it felt quite stifling to be bound to an uncomfortable chair for hours. We typically "do school" in the comfort of our family room - so she is not conditioned to sitting for an extended length of time in our not-so-cushiony dining seats with tapered wooden rail backs. Alexis was admittedly thankful when she learned that our friend's seats are a touch cozier than ours. Truly, that was a huge help in keeping her from going crazy while she tested. I can only imagine that if Alexis were required to sit still behind a desk every day - she would feel antsy after awhile. I think she knows how good she has it, because when talking about going to a "formal" school, she usually mentions that she's not sure she could sit still that long. So glad she can at least be still long enough to get through her annual testing each year...
While Alexis was busy testing on Tuesday, I took my mother-in-law to pick up a new mold for her hearing aid. I'm praying that she is happy with it, as the last 3 have not pleased her at all. David has seen her a few times this week, and was with her today shopping and doing the Mc thing - and said that she has not mentioned the mold. That is a good sign! I will be thrilled if this on-going problem is solved once and for all! \0/
Wednesday through Friday I spent much of the day preparing for an Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science co-op class that I will be teaching. I am in the process of making up notebooking pages for the On Your Own questions and the Study Guide questions. Once I've completed those pages, I plan to post them on my blog for anyone to use. I am hoping to finish them over the next 2 weeks, as I would like to have a break for a couple of weeks before co-op starts for the year.
Today while I cheered him on, David worked on purging his "abyss." If my children read this, they will immediately know what I am referring to. It is the top of a dresser in our bedroom which was heaped with mega paperwork clutter. Okay, that may have been a bit of an understatement... But I am proud of my husband for taking control of it and making a decision to conquer the chaos! You go David!
For both of us, as the years go by, it has become increasingly more difficult to mull through pieces of mail, notes, and documents to muster up the fortitude to part with information that we might--- (even if it is extremely remote,) possibly, need again one day. Although his piles can become massive, I must confess, I too am guilty of collecting lots of paperwork myself. Not to the point where I can claim having my own paperwork "abyss" though.
A second confession... Did I mention that I have a very large closet in my master bedroom? It holds my wardrobe, but is mostly filled (and I mean jam packed,) with an assortment of crafting items... I won't discuss it further this evening, but let's just say it's an altogether different sort of situation. Some would say that I've accumulated too much stuff, but I disagree. You see, I don't amass these crafts myself. They have babies... All on their own... Really!
One final important mention for today - It's my brother's birthday! Happy birthday to my wonderfully supportive big brother! You are the best brother in the whole world. You are fiercely loyal, and from the time I was a little girl through even this moment, you've been incredibly thoughtful and generous to me, and our family. I know I would only have to ask you if I ever was in need of anything. You've always been there for me, no matter what, and I love you!!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Happy Independence Day!
After each of us rolled out of bed this morning, we slowly made ourselves ready for travel to my brother and sister-in-law's house. We enjoyed a day of good conversation, good food, and a good game of Balderdash with the aunts and uncles. Lots of laughs always make for an enjoyable occasion.
Once again, our little family of 5 spent a holiday together, and I feel so wonderfully blessed. Each year I wonder how much time our older 2 will be able to spare to do the family things...
Speaking of wonderfully blessed... What an appropriate day to remember that we, as Americans, are so very blessed to have the fortunate freedoms allowed to us. It is a perfect opportunity to be thankful for the blessings of our founding fathers who laid the foundations of our country, 235 years ago, on July 4, 1776. It is an excellent day to be grateful for the blessings of the men and women who have dedicated their lives for the betterment of this nation, with a willingness to fight for our freedoms. I love the United States of America; I am thankful and blessed to be a citizen of this great country. May God bless the USA and her people - always.
Once again, our little family of 5 spent a holiday together, and I feel so wonderfully blessed. Each year I wonder how much time our older 2 will be able to spare to do the family things...
Speaking of wonderfully blessed... What an appropriate day to remember that we, as Americans, are so very blessed to have the fortunate freedoms allowed to us. It is a perfect opportunity to be thankful for the blessings of our founding fathers who laid the foundations of our country, 235 years ago, on July 4, 1776. It is an excellent day to be grateful for the blessings of the men and women who have dedicated their lives for the betterment of this nation, with a willingness to fight for our freedoms. I love the United States of America; I am thankful and blessed to be a citizen of this great country. May God bless the USA and her people - always.
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David took this pic on the 4th of July while we were on a walk in Harwichport last year. |
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Happy Birthday David!
At the moment, I am very much wishing that I had blogged about David's birthday last year. It was a memorable event - with our girls giving him a series of small gifts which gave him clues to what his main birthday present would be. As we shopped for him, I could see the light bulbs in their brains beaming while they thought of more and more creative ways to turn a gift card into lots of fun. I loved how they took care in the details concerning their dad's birthday.
This year David did not want us to put an emphasis on his birthday. Perhaps this is because he is half way to reaching his next decade, and is not taking it well. I don't blame him. Being just a few weeks and five years younger than David--- each time he reaches that half way milestone, I hit the ten digit twist of fate. We both do not embrace it all that well...
Early this morning, the children and I gathered around David giving him his gifts. After picking up my mother-in-law from her home, we headed on to church. It is always an incredible blessing when our whole family attends church together. As the children get older, their schedules don't often allow us to do this.
After an inspiring message from our pastor, we headed to a small restaurant that David loves to eat at from time to time. Boston's Fish House is the only eatery that has what feels like "authentic" New England foods in our area. Clams, (bellies and all,) onion rings, "chowda" and Boston Cream Pie. Sometimes they even offer swordfish! (Yum!!!) I suppose for the benefit of the locals they include catfish on the menu. :-P I try to ignore that - and the fact that we're faring our meal indoors, preferring to pretend that the air-conditioned building we are dining in is actually the cool outdoor breezes of Cape Cod.
It was nice to celebrate David's birthday together for most of this day, but since we are not on vacation, as they say, the party's over, and the children have dispersed.
One thing that bugs me about "David birthday celebrations" is that he does not "want" anything special. A new shirt, a pair of shorts, some big box hardware store gift cards... Wahhoo! I've learned to not go outside his box though... If I do, he sneakily returns his gifts. When the time is right, I'd love to surprise him with a pre-planned pre-paid trip. If you know him, you'd know that that would throw him right out of his comfort zone. I smile as I entertain the idea of making this a reality!
Matthew 5:16 "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven."
He doesn't seek the lime-light. He has a reserved demeanor. The Lord's light shines in and through my husband. There are countless reasons that I love David. His deep love and constant doing for his family is an understatement of who he is. David has a steadfast concern for us, putting himself last, making sure our necessities are taken care of. Knowing he is this way makes me want to give to him that much more. Yet, David makes it clear that he is content knowing that he provides well for us and more than meets our needs.
He works incredibly hard at his job of over 24 years. He's an overachiever, who is most likely known as the best in what he does. I believe that David's objective for aiming high in his career is that his focus remains on Him and us.
At times David is required to travel. Driving over 250 miles one way would make most people stop for the night. David does his best to work those trips in and return home in the same day. He wants to be with his family. I love the support that he gives us.
When our oldest children were young, I had a cottage industry type business. David would do any job needed - to keep our house running, or the business needs met. Truly, I can honestly say that I do not know another man who would take the steps that he did to keep the family on their game. Looking back at those earlier times, I'm not sure how we survived the busyness of that chapter of our life together, but I know that I am incredibly blessed to have who God gave me for a husband, and our children's father.
The Lord's light in my husband is evident to me, always. My prayer is that it will be a continuous beacon for our children, pointing their way to deep faith in our Lord.
Here's a photo of us in one of our favorite places, Cape Cod:
This year David did not want us to put an emphasis on his birthday. Perhaps this is because he is half way to reaching his next decade, and is not taking it well. I don't blame him. Being just a few weeks and five years younger than David--- each time he reaches that half way milestone, I hit the ten digit twist of fate. We both do not embrace it all that well...
Early this morning, the children and I gathered around David giving him his gifts. After picking up my mother-in-law from her home, we headed on to church. It is always an incredible blessing when our whole family attends church together. As the children get older, their schedules don't often allow us to do this.
After an inspiring message from our pastor, we headed to a small restaurant that David loves to eat at from time to time. Boston's Fish House is the only eatery that has what feels like "authentic" New England foods in our area. Clams, (bellies and all,) onion rings, "chowda" and Boston Cream Pie. Sometimes they even offer swordfish! (Yum!!!) I suppose for the benefit of the locals they include catfish on the menu. :-P I try to ignore that - and the fact that we're faring our meal indoors, preferring to pretend that the air-conditioned building we are dining in is actually the cool outdoor breezes of Cape Cod.
It was nice to celebrate David's birthday together for most of this day, but since we are not on vacation, as they say, the party's over, and the children have dispersed.
One thing that bugs me about "David birthday celebrations" is that he does not "want" anything special. A new shirt, a pair of shorts, some big box hardware store gift cards... Wahhoo! I've learned to not go outside his box though... If I do, he sneakily returns his gifts. When the time is right, I'd love to surprise him with a pre-planned pre-paid trip. If you know him, you'd know that that would throw him right out of his comfort zone. I smile as I entertain the idea of making this a reality!
Matthew 5:16 "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven."
He doesn't seek the lime-light. He has a reserved demeanor. The Lord's light shines in and through my husband. There are countless reasons that I love David. His deep love and constant doing for his family is an understatement of who he is. David has a steadfast concern for us, putting himself last, making sure our necessities are taken care of. Knowing he is this way makes me want to give to him that much more. Yet, David makes it clear that he is content knowing that he provides well for us and more than meets our needs.
He works incredibly hard at his job of over 24 years. He's an overachiever, who is most likely known as the best in what he does. I believe that David's objective for aiming high in his career is that his focus remains on Him and us.
At times David is required to travel. Driving over 250 miles one way would make most people stop for the night. David does his best to work those trips in and return home in the same day. He wants to be with his family. I love the support that he gives us.
When our oldest children were young, I had a cottage industry type business. David would do any job needed - to keep our house running, or the business needs met. Truly, I can honestly say that I do not know another man who would take the steps that he did to keep the family on their game. Looking back at those earlier times, I'm not sure how we survived the busyness of that chapter of our life together, but I know that I am incredibly blessed to have who God gave me for a husband, and our children's father.
The Lord's light in my husband is evident to me, always. My prayer is that it will be a continuous beacon for our children, pointing their way to deep faith in our Lord.
Here's a photo of us in one of our favorite places, Cape Cod:
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Blogging Again...
After taking a three year hiatus as a blogger, it is time to return to the world of "journaling" once more. Why? I'm not sure! I feel a strong sense that the Lord is wanting me to write something... What? I'm wondering the answer to that question myself! Well, like many people, I have lots to say, however, I do hope that whatever I share will honor Him above all.
I shall start by mentioning that I am a Christian, a blessed wife to my wonderful husband, David, and a mom to three children. Our oldest, David, (yes, a second David,) just graduated from college.
( \0/ ) Our middle child, Amanda, is heading into her 3rd year of college, and I homeschool our youngest child, Alexis.
As we begin Alexis' last year of middle school in about a month and a half, I am certain I will have lots to converse on concerning homeschooling. It is a joy and a pleasure to be my daughter's teacher. I recently posted on my Facebook profile page that I am working my way out of a job faster than I ever imagined. This is an incredibly true sentiment, as the years seem to flip at a rapid, accelerated speed, non-stop.
Added to our responsibilities, we assist my dear mother-in-law with a few tasks in her home, along with most tasks that she is needing to accomplish outside of her home. Notice how I mentioned "our" next to the word responsibilities? One of the countless reasons that I can say I am married to a wonderful man is because he shoulders much of that assistance. Although she is quite independent, my mother-in-law does not drive. Although she does not drive, she is a woman who likes a routine. And--- she was accustomed to the routine of bargain hunting her way through grocery stores on a weekly basis for many years prior to our helping her out. Therefore, the tradition continues! Yes, I must admit... After five and a half years of doing the marathon shops each week with my parents-in-law, I bailed out. Now the burden lays on David. It was not an intentional withdraw, you see, I had mom duties to fulfill. Yes, our little girl began taking a music drama class right in the middle of my mother-in-law's established shopping pattern.
Although the classes did not work out, my 3 month absence from the weekly shopping trips brought on a dreaded taboo. You might say that itt was an added invasion to my dietary restrictions. The big "Mc" for breakfast. I'm not here to debate the menu, or the restaurant. No matter my thoughts about it, I truly can not eat breakfast there, as I have a food allergy that prevents me from doing so. Because my husband loves me deeply, and because his mother loves being with him doing their "little outing" each week, he has given me the free pass to stay home while he takes his mother on the loop of between 3 to 6 stores - plus "Mc's."
We have been helping my in-laws, and now my mother-in-law, (since my father-in-law is now with Jesus,) for the last 8 years. Both my husband and I feel honored and blessed that we have the time and resources to do this. I must admit, sometimes it does get weary, but truly, we are thankful for the opportunity to serve Him through helping to meet her needs.
Well--- That sums up a brief introduction to our little family. More tomorrow as I post about that incredible man I am married to. This, in honor of his birthday!
A picture of our family...
I shall start by mentioning that I am a Christian, a blessed wife to my wonderful husband, David, and a mom to three children. Our oldest, David, (yes, a second David,) just graduated from college.
( \0/ ) Our middle child, Amanda, is heading into her 3rd year of college, and I homeschool our youngest child, Alexis.
As we begin Alexis' last year of middle school in about a month and a half, I am certain I will have lots to converse on concerning homeschooling. It is a joy and a pleasure to be my daughter's teacher. I recently posted on my Facebook profile page that I am working my way out of a job faster than I ever imagined. This is an incredibly true sentiment, as the years seem to flip at a rapid, accelerated speed, non-stop.
Added to our responsibilities, we assist my dear mother-in-law with a few tasks in her home, along with most tasks that she is needing to accomplish outside of her home. Notice how I mentioned "our" next to the word responsibilities? One of the countless reasons that I can say I am married to a wonderful man is because he shoulders much of that assistance. Although she is quite independent, my mother-in-law does not drive. Although she does not drive, she is a woman who likes a routine. And--- she was accustomed to the routine of bargain hunting her way through grocery stores on a weekly basis for many years prior to our helping her out. Therefore, the tradition continues! Yes, I must admit... After five and a half years of doing the marathon shops each week with my parents-in-law, I bailed out. Now the burden lays on David. It was not an intentional withdraw, you see, I had mom duties to fulfill. Yes, our little girl began taking a music drama class right in the middle of my mother-in-law's established shopping pattern.
Although the classes did not work out, my 3 month absence from the weekly shopping trips brought on a dreaded taboo. You might say that itt was an added invasion to my dietary restrictions. The big "Mc" for breakfast. I'm not here to debate the menu, or the restaurant. No matter my thoughts about it, I truly can not eat breakfast there, as I have a food allergy that prevents me from doing so. Because my husband loves me deeply, and because his mother loves being with him doing their "little outing" each week, he has given me the free pass to stay home while he takes his mother on the loop of between 3 to 6 stores - plus "Mc's."
We have been helping my in-laws, and now my mother-in-law, (since my father-in-law is now with Jesus,) for the last 8 years. Both my husband and I feel honored and blessed that we have the time and resources to do this. I must admit, sometimes it does get weary, but truly, we are thankful for the opportunity to serve Him through helping to meet her needs.
Well--- That sums up a brief introduction to our little family. More tomorrow as I post about that incredible man I am married to. This, in honor of his birthday!
A picture of our family...
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