As we begin Alexis' 2011/2012 homeschool year, I'd like to think that this will be a verse that both she and I can focus on. For me, it is a strong reminder and encouraging verse as a homeschooler who strives to follow the Lord's best for my daughter's education...
With only just a week of Sonlight Core 200 under our belts, I am already a tremendous fan. Alexis finished, and enjoyed reading Pictures of Hollis Woods, and is working through the questions in The Westminster Shorter Catechism. I began reading Flames of Rome to her--- and yes, I've already come across some (age inappropriate) controversial topics. (I'm very thankful for the moms on the Sonlight boards who gave a forewarning.) For us, some of the subject matter will require my editing, and some will most certainly require discussion. Alexis and I still do Bible and History lessons together, and are especially liking The Story of Christianity and More than a Carpenter.
History of God's Kingdom is a high school level Core, and we are without a doubt feeling the workload difference from the middle school Cores. We hit the ground running this week, starting back with co-op, piano, and music/drama. Added into the mix were dentist and doctor appointments, yet my daughter seems to have handled the workload quite well!
Abeka was our starting point this week for Pre-Algebra... So far so good! Alexis used Abeka for several years and did quite well - then she switched to Teaching Textbooks. (Her request, and I had heard lots of good things about the curriculum.) Although she loved doing her math work on the computer, she was not retaining the information the way she needed to. Last year we tried to switch to Chalk Dust Pre-Algebra, and for various reasons, I did not feel she was ready. So... we backtracked a little - and now I am feeling much more confident that she is prepared. I was given our Abeka books, and noticed that the print is larger than the Chalk Dust workbooks. Alexis' eyes get weary with tiny print, so I've decided to try using the Abeka Pre-Algebra with the Chalk Dust DVD's as needed . It remains to be seen if this will work or not.
Watercolors Co-op Class will probably be Alexis' favorite of the year. Not just co-op either!!! She has an incredible passion for art, and is so happy to be learning many new techniques. I hope to take pictures of her artwork and post on this blog at some point.
Alexis' Apologia General Science class went quite well - I think... :-) This is a bittersweet moment for me. It will be the final co-op class that I teach - where Alexis is a student! No, this will not be the last co-op class that I teach. I just do not plan to teach a high school level class. I am fine teaching my own daughter, I'm just not comfortable teaching a class that will go on student's high school transcripts. lol!!!
Next week we will begin Latin. It is the only at home subject that was not covered this week. That was intentional, due to the many appointments that kept us off schedule.
Writing and Public Speaking/Debate classes will start in a few weeks. Alexis is looking forward to attending these classes all school year. (Although next year I hope to go back to Write Shop, which I recommend highly and love!!!) I am thankful to a wonderful friend for teaching these courses - so my daughter can grow in confidence in her writing skills, and can learn how to use her debating skills in an effective way. I so understand her wanting to do that, as I too wanted to be able to spar with my brother and sister on equal platforms at that age, but being many years younger - it's sometimes hard to get taken seriously!
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My bonus baby - Last Year's First Day of School Picture. We are having problems transferring pics onto one of our computers - so I have delayed taking her photo until I can clear the san disc. |
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