- Amanda looking for job
- Amanda needing help to start at new college
- Alexis - Broken bracket on braces (twice)
- Routine Dentist appointments
- Other urgent Dentist appointments
- Homeschool Group Meetings
- Doctor appointments
- Medical tests
- Friends over to play and swim
- Used Curriculum Sale
- A new toy
- Another new toy
In the 11th hour, Amanda decided that she would prefer to stay at home while she attends college this summer and fall. We helped her jump through the required hoops to make that happen, and I also took her around town to look for a job. Thankfully, after literally going door to door to fill out 50+ job applications, Amanda has 2 jobs. She is so very appreciative to be employed. Poor baby- with the economy problems in this area, it's hard to find any job right now.
Although David (son) did not take time away from our homeschool schedule, I just have to note too that he has a summer job. It took him quite awhile to find one as well. I am really proud of my kids for continuing to persevere even though it almost feels insulting to get turned away so many times. David is working almost 40 hours a week, so we are extra thankful for this. He will still go back to PBA this coming school year, so it is a blessing that he is earning this extra money now.
Braces are "new" to this family. David and Amanda were extremely blessed with straight teeth. I had braces when I was young, but Orthodontic technology has come a long way since then. Alexis got braces in March, with tiny little brackets that are glued onto the fronts of each tooth, and long wires that go through them. To tope that off, the Orthodontist added a power chain that moves her teeth at an incredible rate of speed. She only has to go once every 6 weeks for adjustments. She has had a bracket pop off twice already, but is doing well. I am thankful that Alexis' Orthodontic experience should be a good one.

We all had our routine dental check up's, but my mother-in-law and I both had to have some urgent care at the dentist. She was supposed to have a simple crown replacement, that turned out not to be so simple. The dentist ended up having to pull the tooth. She is 80 years old, and this is the first and only tooth that she has ever lost. She took it pretty good, thank goodness.
Me, I never make things easy on myself. I also had a problem crown. The problem was it was old, fell out, and I swallowed it.

Due to new leadership transition in, we had to have a couple of meetings on behalf of our homeschool group. It took some time away from a couple of our planned school days, but it was completely necessary. I am extremely thankful for the ladies who have stepped up to help make our amazing homeschool support and co-op group continue to be a successful one that is a blessing to the community.
Doctor appointments? That would be Amanda. Tonsillitis - Again.

I had another CT scan to recheck the spot on my lung. I am giving thanks to the Lord that once again the spot is not there. I am praying that this will be the end of that worry that has lasted for about a year and a half. Hopefully the Pulmonary doctor will tell me that I do not have to have any more scans again.
After all the happenings above? Who doesn't need a fun break? Our covered patio flooring had outdoor carpet - in great need of replacement. So, after 2 years of indecision, we finally chose to replace the flooring in that area with natural stone. What a difference it makes! I love the look so much, and feel we made a good choice. So, of course we had to celebrate by inviting some of Alexis' friends over for a pool party!

Fun in the sun - followed by Hard Labor! I am not kidding when I say that our Used Curriculum Sale is Serious Work! Each year several local homeschool groups team up to have this sale at our church. I have no clue how many sellers they had this year, but to me, it appeared that there were 100's. Up until now, I did not have a full appreciation for what goes on behind the scenes to prepare for this sale. This is the 1st year I volunteered to help at this event. Up until now, I did not have a full appreciation for what goes on behind the scenes to prepare for this sale. It is a huge undertaking, but meets a great need to the many homeschooling families living in our community. I love that they do this. God bless the ladies who organize this sale, along with the volunteers who give many, many hours of their time to provide invaluable help and support to make this event happen.
My goal this summer was to work on hobbies that would cost $.00 over the summer. Originally this was to include sewing - using fabric and supplies that I already have, scrapbooking, using materials I already own, and a needlepoint kit that I have had in my closet for quite awhile. However, I have been spending my free time doing a couple on new (to me) things instead. A few months ago I joined Facebook because I thought my sister-in-law was going to post photos on her page of an extended trip that she and my brother were taking. Well, that ended up not happening, but because I joined FB, I was able to connect with some old friends and some of David's family members. I didn't think I would like it at first, but it has been nice to "catch up" with people.
Last week I received an Amazing Surprise! My mother's 1st cousin's son contacted me via e-mail. I have never met him. His family lives on the opposite side of the country from ours, and I had only seen his parents a few times in my life. For the past 10 years, he has been working on a massive genealogy project for my mother's side of the family. My grandmother and his grandfather were siblings. So far his research findings date all the way back to the 1600's. For the first 3 days after I joined the group, I became completely absorbed with looking through the family tree history trying to wrap my mind around everything he has documented. This cousin has photos of my grandmother's mother that I had never seen! He also posted pics of my grandmother's father, and grandfather! (That would be 4 greats for my kids!) I have been interested in our family history for years, but realized that if I wanted to find our ancestry information myself, I would have to take a lot of time to do it. Time that I do not have as a homeschooler teacher. I am so thankful that the Lord brought this wonderful cousin into our lives! What a gift to know that our children and other family members will have much to talk about!
Family is coming soon! We are looking forward to seeing cousins from David's side of the family. The youngest thinks we live in Disney World. She is an adorable 4 year old who is about to have the time of her life at the Magic Kingdom. Hopefully she will have so much fun at our house too that she will leave still believing that we live in Disney.
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