David is involved in a couple of volunteer programs – one which includes getting up at 5:30AM to play basketball, or other competitive sports with students at a middle schools in an inner-city area. The college students look forward to this time each week with the younger students, and are actually able to share about their faith with these children. David also volunteers to help out with functions on campus for prospective students who are visiting.
A couple of weeks ago Governor Mike Huckabee was on campus and met with student leaders (David included,) for a breakfast and a Q&A session. Later he shared a message with the students at one of their chapel services. Governor Huckabee, (who plays a bass guitar on his Fox News Show with his band The Little Rockers,) took a few minutes to jam with PBA student musicians at chapel service too! How cool!
David recently had his big 2 0 birthday. (I don't feel old enough to have a 20 year old!!!) For some reason, David has spent several of his birthdays very, very sick. Sadly, this one was no exception. (Husband) David, Alexis, and i had great plans to drive down to West Palm and take David and Amanda out for a nice birthday celebration. However, before we left home that morning, we packed our bags to spend the night close to their campus because before we left, David called to let us know that the doctor was sending him for a CT Scan. Thankfully, it ended up not being too serious. David had some sort of stomach virus along with bronchitis. He is fine now, and we will have his birthday dinner on Good Friday when they come home from college for Easter break. I am even baking a strawberry cheesecake (David's favorite,) for dessert.
I had to have "a" birthday photo here. This is a healthy David on his #19 at the Cheesecake Factory. I have no clue why he was holding a lit candle...

This is another birthday dinner photo. Alexis is next to David.

David fishing off a jetty in Cape Cod. A typical foggy morning.

Playing a card game on vacation.

Getting ready to eat "Lobsta"

Okay, what can I say??? (Repeating my mother's words, "I tried to raise them right!")

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