My Baby Turned 10 Today!
I can hardly believe how fast the years have flown! Alexis is our 3rd, and youngest child - our bonus baby! She is 7 & 8 years younger than her siblings. The Lord had had a plan, and knew what He was doing when He brought her into this family. I remember the day she was born. She was quiet! She didn't cry, but instead looked around the room as if to say - What are you all doing? I must be missing out on something, and I'll soon find out what it is! She certainly has stayed observant!
Alexis asks lots of deep questions. She wants to understand everything! She challenges me almost every day when we read the Bible. When she was really young, she asked why God let Adam name all the animals, and did not save any for her to name. Too funny!!! A couple of her recent questions were, "Where is the Garden of Eden." and "Why asked where the Garden of Eden is located, and Why did God put the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden in the first place?" and those are her easier questions! Alexis is my social butterfly.
Somewhere between the ages of 1 and 2, before she could really speak, Alexis decided that she wanted to go bye bye. Where? I have no clue! She could not verbally tell me, but she did her best to communicate her sentiment to me anyway! She got my shoes and tried to put them on my feet. After I got that message and obeyed her by putting them on myself, she pushed me to the door in my kitchen that led into the garage, (where the car was parked.) I asked her is she wanted to go bye bye, and she nodded her head yes. I will never know where she wanted to go, maybe she just didn't care - as long as we got out of the house... She is still like that today! Alexis is not content unless she has gone somewhere, or had friends over.
A few weeks ago, my husband's car had to be put in the shop so he needed to use mine for work. Alexis and I did not go anywhere during that time. She was sure to let me know that we were home waaay too long - and thought it was one of the longest weeks of her life. The car was only in the shop for 2 1/2 days, but that's our on the go girl! Most of the time she does get constant on the go time. Piano lessons, acro and jazz lessons, book club, co-op, Keeper's AWANA, Sunday School, lots of field trips, and play dates with friends keep us running. If she were enrolled in formal school, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to get enough social time!!! lol!!!
Alexis enjoys playing the piano and practices without being told. We call her Tigger because she is extremely active ~ so tumbling, twirling, bouncing, and rolling during acro fit well with her personality. She loves spending time with friends, and looks forward to seeing them as often as possible. Alexis loves the Lord and works hard at memorizing Bible verses for AWANA and Sunday School. Alexis has a quick wit. She has a strong continence, she's amazingly generous, tenderhearted, and kind to friends. She is also caring toward her family. When I am sick, she wants to nurse me back to health. She'll bring me a tray with water, medicine, crackers, or whatever else she thinks I'll need to get better. She is always sure to add a homemade get well card to go with it.
Alexis is extremely loving to her Grandparents. Last week we were scheduled to take my in-laws to the doctor and my mother-in-law called to ask if we could come over early because my father-in-law was feeling weak. She thought that he may need the wheel chair at the doctors office. We left promptly, and as soon as Alexis and i got to their house, she hopped out of the van and went inside while I put the wheel chair in the trunk. I planned to go inside to help my father-in-law to the van after that, but as I was closing the trunk, I looked up and there was Alexis guiding her Granddaddy out of the house and marching him to the van. I cannot tell you how relieved I was that she was able to do this. With him having Alzheimer's Disease, it is sometimes incredibly difficult to get him to follow directions. Alexis saw that a job had to be done, and just comfortably took care of it. I love her take charge attitude! I also love to spend time with her, and feel blessed to be her teacher and her mother.
I am sooo not wishing the time away, but I am looking forward to seeing what the Lord will bring her way in the next 10 years.
Alexis made the cake, I made the frosting and spread it for her. Then she decorated it all by herself. Can you tell? She was quite proud of her cake decorating techniques! |
Alexis' Book Club friends celebrated her birthday with her. We hosted and she chose some fun "Revolutionary War" era crafts to do as a go along with the book Toliver's Secret. |
Alexis waited patiently until the end of the day to open her presents from family. She still had enough energy to be really excited! I love her enthusiasm!!! |